Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2014, Second Baptist Church
2014 Instructors: Thomasina Levy, Lee Cagle, Rick Thum, Mike Anderson, Jess Dickinson, Doug Felt, Agene Parsons, Kevan Barley, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2013, Second Baptist Church
2013 Instructors: Joe Collins, Lee Cagle, Rick Thum, Jess Dickinson, Ilace Mears, Guy & Sharrie George, Don Pedi, Doug Felt, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
Mid-day artists: Doug Felt; Harry Johnson and family, bones/bodhran; Side Street Steppers; Jess Dickinson; Hilary Rose and Daniel Fleck, mandolin & old time; Mulberry Jam; Randall McKinnon;
Kevan Barley, guitar, banjo, autoharp
Mixed bag workshops: Kevan Barley, guitar; Guy George, steel drum; Sharrie George, ukelele; Harry & Doug, bones & bodhran
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2012, Second Baptist Church
2012 Instructors: Guy and Sharrie George, Lee Cagle, Rick Thum, Ilace Mears, Agene Parsons, Bing Futch, Anne Lough, Ken Kolodner, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
Mid-day Artists: Bing Futch, Native American Flute; Doug Felt; Harry Johnson and family, bones/bodhran; David Gish, guitar; Jess Dickinson; Hilary Rose and Daniel Fleck, mandolin & old time; Mulberry Jam; Sidestreet Steppers
Vendors: Dulcimer House (Dennis Moran); kasu designs (jewelry by Kathy Hellweg); Bob Magowan, Dulcimer Doctor; Doug & Lee Felt (Thistledew Acres); Papaw's Dulcimers (Bill Rich);
Jess Dickinson Dulcimers
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2011, Second Baptist Church
2011 Instructors: Molly McCormack, Lee Cagle, Lorinda Jones, Ilace Mears, Agene Parsons, Rick Thum, Russell Cook, Betty Dawson, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
Mid-day artists: Side Street Steppers; Chris Roof (djembe); Linda Arthur (Native American Flute); Harry & Russell Johnson; Dan Reese (bowed dulcimer); Mulberry Jam String Band; Kevan Barley; Johnathan Haynie (Chilean Folk/ classical guitar)
Mixed Bag workshops: Kevan Barley (clawhammer banjo, shape note singing); Agene Parsons (autoharp); Tom Garret (mandolin); Dan Reese (bowed dulcimer)
Vendors: Dulcimer House (Dennis Moran); kasu designs (Kathy Hellweg jewelry); Gary & Toni Sager; Bob Magowan, dulcimer doctor
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2010, Second Baptist Church
2010 Instructors: Janita Baker, Lee Cagle, Joe Collins, Rick Thum, Larry Conger, Betty Dawson, Dan Landrum, Don Pedi, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
Bob Hastings was one of the strongest supporters of the festival. He attended the 2009 Gathering with his wife Judy and his daughter Laney and died four days later of heart failure. He is sorely missed in the music community. The 2010 Gathering was dedicated to Bob's memory and we celebrated his life with a silent candle-light opening of the concert.
MDG&FF Finale Concert 2010
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2009, Second Baptist Church
Quiet Blessing at the opening of the Saturday night concert, 9/26/09 |
I am the deep pools in the moonlight; | As winter snow melts into spring blossom; |
2009 Instructors: Bob Bence, Lee Cagle, Betty Dawson, Jeff Hames, Steve Seifert, Rick Thum, Kendra Ward, Special Guest Larkin Bryant
2009 Sponsors: Wayne Randolph and Second Baptist Church, Tom Wilson and The Art Center, Betty Dawson
Volunteer Artists: Hilary Scheel and Daniel Fleck; Donna Gray and Lea VanMerkestyn; Cement Pond Sacred Harp singers; Kevan Barley; Harry Johnson; Doug Felt
Videos 2009: Cement Pond Sacred Harp Singers, Harry Johnson and Steve Seifert, Harry Johnson and Doug Felt
Concert opening act by Adam, Danny Autry and Betty Dawson tripping the light.
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2008, Lindenwood Christian Church
September 26 & 27, 2008 was the FOURTH year for the Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival! The weekend included two days of workshops, jam session, demonstrations, vendors and a concert.
Featured artists were Aubrey Atwater (various), Lee Cagle (mountain dulcimer), Betty Dawson (hammered dulcimer), Steve Eulberg (mountain and hammered dulcimer, guitar), Jim Miller (mandolin, banjo, guitar, mountain and hammered dulcimer), Agene Parsons (autoharp), Rick Thum (hammered dulcimer), and Special Guest: Larkin Kelley Bryant.
We had a great venue at Lindenwood Christian Church, 2400 Union Avenue. Free demonstrations were held during the day by: Amy Vails, harpist; Harry Johnson, bones and bohdran; Doug Felt, penny whistle/pizza box bohdran; Nancy Chase, bagpipes; Aubrey Atwater, clogging; Jim Miller, bowed dulcimer; old time music from Hilary Scheel and Daniel Fleck; djembe by Gary Gaia from Memphis Drum Shop.
January Dulcimer Gathering 2008, Lindenwood Christian Church
The seventh annual January Dulcimer Gathering was held January 18 & 19, 2008, at Lindenwood Christian Church, 2400 Union Avenue. The workshops began on Friday afternoon and included a jam session. Workshops continued all day on Saturday and concluded with a concert in the Lindenwood Library featuring instructors Larry Conger, Betty Dawson, and Lee Cagle.
Larry Conger presented intermediate to advanced workshops on mountain dulcimer, and Lee Cagle led beginner and novice workshops on mountain dulcimer workshops. Betty Dawson led hammered dulcimer workshops. The event was well attended by many long-time friends, as well as some newcomers to the dulcimer community. Twenty-eight people participted in workshops, jam, and/or concert. We had a great time!
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2007, Lindenwood Christian Church
The Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2007 was held on September 28 & 29, 2007 at Lindenwood Christian Church. Instructors were Lee Cagle, Thomasina Levy, Terry & Pam Lewis, Jim Miller, Larkin Bryant and Rick Thum. We had 51 "full event" registrants, a large group of general public attendees during the mid-day demonstrations, and over 100 at the finale concert on Saturday night.

Celtic Blessing
May the blessing of light be on you. Light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, So that stranger and friend may come and warm himself at it. And may light shine out of the two eyes of you, Like a candle set in the window of a house, Bidding the wanderer come in out of the storm. May the blessing of the rain be on you, May it beat upon your Spirit And wash it fair and clean, And leave there a shining pool where the blue of Heaven shines, And sometimes a star. May the blessing of the earth be on you, Soft under your feet as you pass along the roads, Soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day; And may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it. May it rest so lightly over you That your soul may be out from under it quickly; Up and off and on its way to God.
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2006, Calvary Episcopal Church
2006 Instructors: Jim Miller, Don Pedi, Bill Taylor, Karen Mueller, Janita Baker, Lee Cagle, Larkin Bryant, Rick Thum, Larry Conger
Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival 2005, Calvary Episcopal Church
The first Memphis Dulcimer Gathering & Folk Festival was held Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2005, at Calvary Episcopal Church in Memphis, TN. We had a blast!
We had two days filled with workshops, concerts and jam sessions for mountain and hammered dulcimer. We also had instruction for mandolin, banjo, guitar, autoharp and Celtic harp. Instructors and performers included Janita Baker, Larkin Kelley Bryant, Larry Conger, Jim Miller, Don Pedi and Rick Thum. Participants came from as far away as New York, Minnesota, Florida, Missouri and California.
It was a truly magical weekend!